Sunday, November 9, 2008

Holes of Your Own Creation: The Bright Side to Obama's Win.

As we mourn the "death" of our nation upon the victory of Barack Obama, we need to stop crying and whining and look on the bright.... and believe, there IS a bright side, and it has the potential to be so bright that it will blind us.
For several years now, a Democrat controlled congress has been screwing the economy, passing laws and actions that have put us into the mess we are in now. Why didn't they get blamed? Because all they had to do was point the finger at Bush and say "He took the cookie from the cookie jar."
Well, right now, we are tumbling down a steep slope, one that the Democrats have so blindly, but painstakingly created, with a giant hole at the bottom. Laws forcing banks to give out bad mortgage loans to unworthy applicants created the housing crisis and the credit crunch. Over-regulation and taxation of corporations have pushed them out of the country and overseas, where they can work without being hassled, and that created the massive layoffs, and finally, with all the whining and griping about the "cute widdle animals" has prevented us from drilling in our own country, as we are deathly afraid of somehow damaging the environment... or that's what they tell you. The pipeline in Alaska practically CREATED the environment around it, and the ONLY reason we don't have oil rigs off the coast of Florida is because the retirement communities didn't want to have their ocean view spoiled.

The list of laws continue, from government grants to useless companies, bailouts, to trying to instate universal healthcare..... which has proven so ineffective that even the CANADIANS are trying to get rid of it.
Long story short..... we have stepped into a cow-pie so deep we could sink a skyscraper into it.

So... where's the bright side? Why.... Barack Obama, of course. This dashing young gentleman has come down from Chicago and offered to work with our Democrat Congress to solve all of our problems, save us from our ignorance, relieve our suffering, end all hunger and strife, and create jobs!

That is a pretty tall list. Even someone who actually had a plan or knew how to would be hard pressed to fulfill all of those promises. To make things worse... Obama's "plans" to solve all these problems are almost guaranteed to make them worse.
STILL don't see it? Look closer:
Conservatives have been wrongly accused of causing many problems that we had nothing to do with. The public has blindly accepted this and believes that conservatives are ignorant, evil, and greedy. To make matters worse, Christians have slid into a frightening apathy, of not caring what happens to our nation, and just accepting whatever is being spoon-fed to them.
Obama getting elected, and pressuring Christians and conservatives will hopefully jar them back into awareness. Second, with a Democrat President, Congress, and soon-to-be Court, they will be in total control... meaning that they will have no one to blame when they make things worse and can't fix them. They can only accuse Bush so long before people start shaking their heads in disbelief. They will single-handedly tarnish they cause for a long time... and all we have to do is sit back and work at a local level to build a conservative base to undermine them when the time comes.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Obama plays catch up.

Since the unveiling of McCain's pick for his running mate, the Obama campaign has been ruthlessly attacking her like a pack of rabid wolves.
Why? Because Sarah Palin has the potential to become the most critical and influential VP in over 50 years. She's rammed the Obama boat, and the rocking is making some of its passengers seasick.

Barak has been comparing himself to Palin, trying to prove he is more experienced that she is.
This is MY question: Why is the Democrat "A" team, comparing itself to the Republican "B" team? Why would a star quarter back feel the need to go out of his way to try and prove that he is better than another team's second stringer?
Because, in this case, Obama knows that even the Republican VICE presidential canidate could beat him. Obama claims to have more responsibilities than Palin, and claims to handle more problems on a daily basis. Let's compare, shall we?

Obama's campaign has about 2500 paid employees in it, I believe.
Palin has about 71,000 people she has to supervise as a governor.

Obama's campaign rakes in several million dollars a month. (2.1 mil?)
Palin has to handle a money flow in the BILLIONS.

Obama is a senator. He is elected, goes to Washington, whines, and votes.
Palin is a governor. She has to handle the affairs of her state, and its success and welfare are her daily responsibilities.

Obama lives in the tiny state of Illinois. Yes, I'm going there, because he has frequently belittled the station of Palin, and her home state and town. If it weren't for Chicago, no one would care about Illinois at all.
Palin is the executive leader of the state of Alaska. Alaska is the largest state in the Union. It is more than twice the size of Texas. Granted, fewer people live there, but the amount of land and resources still makes it an incredible responsibilty.

Obama, as a Senator, does have to worry about international matters. Then why does Palin have almost the same number of overseas trips to our troops as Obama, and she is only a Governor. A governor's duties are to the state he/she is in charge of. Palin has risen above and beyond that basic requirement, and easily has as much, if not MORE experience that Obama in international matters. Come on. Her state borders Canada and Russia, and is not Physically connected to the 48 states. She has to work internationally on a regular basis, and lets be honest... being a neighbor of Russia can be a little difficult.

In short, yes, Obama has every right to be freaked. This woman, who in his own words, comes from a tiny backwater town, from an out of the way state, could outdo the "sophisticated" and "streetwise" Obama any day of the week.

And you know what? If they ever got into a fist fight, all my money would be on Palin. Dollars to donuts she could kick his keister within 10 minutes.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Dying Men Grasp at Straws

Have you heard of the "numerous scandals surrounding McCain's inexperienced, hypocritical choice for vp?"
The "Numerous Scandals?"
1: She supposedly fired a state trooper out of vengeance, and possibly illegally.

2: Her teenage daughter is pregnant.
2 1/2: Did her daughter give birth to baby Trig as well?

Alright you democratic morons. Lets put something to rest right now. Let's tackle the whole "teen pregnancy" thing, because "scandal #1," is under investigation, and I'm going to wait for Palin to be vindicated of her own accord.

Remember. The people who are jumping all over this are the same people who jumped all over the possibility of Hannah Montana being pregnant. Immature leeches willing to sell their souls to teen pop gossip magazines. In other words, the whole thing was childish to begin with. People accuse Sarah Palin of being a hypocrite. She preaches abstinence, but (gasp) her own daughter's pregnant! Crucify her! Crucify her!
Remember Cindy Sheehan? The wackjob peacenick? Am I mistaken, or was not her son a soldier? "But that's not fair! She became a pacifist AFTER her son was killed! She preaches what she does because she doesn't want to happen to anyone else!"

So why isn't Sarah Palin allowed to do that? Ever consider that, even if this incident did NOT start her abstinence crusade, it still cements it. How? Consider it. Turn on your brain. She knows the pain, problems, dissapointment, and harrasment that comes from having sex and getting pregnant out of wedlock, and is going through it personally. Why on Earth would she wish that kind of trouble on someone else?

Now, as for rumor 2 1/2.... Grow up people. Liberal conspiracy theorists have decided that since, aside from a whopping huge number of TWO scandals they've been able to find, they have nothing, and are gonna have to make something up.
Bristol's pregnant? Her mom has a small child? What's the first thing that pops into your head?

The first thing that popped into mine was: "They can play together when they get older."
Seriously. A couple having a child late in their marriage is not uncommon. My great grandparents had a late arrival, my great aunt is only a few years older than my father. So what? But no.... in the liberal media's eye: "Bristol's pregnant! Her mom has a four month old baby! BRISTOL GAVE BIRTH TO TRIG!"

Whut? How in the world do you reach THAT conclusion? Helloooooo! For those of you who failed biology the average human gestation period is NINE MONTHS! Trig is four months old. Bristol is five months pregnant. It doesn't add up. How in the world would she get pregnant again, a month before Trig was born, if she was Trig's birthmother? It doesn't work.

So now what? The media's plan is ruined... but wait! I know! Those evil Republicans have photoshopped all the pictures of Palin and Bristol to fit their stories, and they are making Bristol wear a beach ball underneath her clothes... oh, they're sneaky, those Republicans.
Give me a break.
No matter what liberals tell you, Republicans are so dumb that they would cover up a pregnancy scandal... with another pregnancy scandal. Why? There is no point, but that's what many liberal bloggers are saying. McCain is faking Bristol's current pregnancy so no one knows about her giving birth to Trig. What? Why? There's no point, no advantage, no nothing. More smoke.

"We have proof," they say. Some bloggers have noticed that Bristol was out of school for 5 months with mononucleosis (mono), a disease that induces extreme lethargia among other things, limiting movement. Some claim it's another cover by Palin, saying mono doesn't last more than 10 days. Not true. A normal infection with mono usually results in severe symptoms for about 2 weeks, a sever lethargia and fatigue for 1-2 months. Bristol's case was a sever one. My own mother had a sever case of mono as a child, and was bedridden for over 6 months.

Long story short, Democrat bloggers, liberal leaning media, and idiots on YouTube are full of bullcrap.

Bristol deserves my apology for speaking about her delicate situation, and I do not mean to belittle her. She will be marrying the father, and if the media will leave her alone, life should continue normally for her.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

The Democrat's Broken Record.

I'm not sure what annoys me more about this campaign. The lack of good choice, or the sheer, monotonous repetition of material. Seriously people, it's getting boring. If I were voting solely based on who was more interesting, I'd have to go with McCain, because at least his ads are funny.

McCain is old enough to have hunted dinosaurs in his younger years.
Barack is black and has no idea what he's doing.

ALL I EVER HEAR ARE THESE TWO ARGUMENTS!!! I'm sick and tired of it! If you're going to bash each other, at least be creative! I watched the Democratic National Convention, and felt like killing myself. Not because of the crazy ideas, but because I can only handle so many hours, of so many speakers... ALL SAYING THE EXACT SAME FREAKIN' THING!
"Obama loves us, but McCain is going to kill our nation. Obama will save us, but McCain will kill our nation. Obama is for the people, but McCain hates all life as we know it. Obama loves us, but McCain doesn't care about people who don't have jobs. Obama will save us, but McCain will kill our nation. Obama is for the people, but McCain will kill our nation."

They went on and on and on and on like that... FOR HOURS! Every single person said the exact same thing! The ONLY interesting speeches came from Bill Richardson and Al Gore. Bill's because he occasionaly would start babbling in Spanish for no apparent reason, and Gore's because he spent the first 15 minutes whinging about his unfair loss back in 2000. Annoying, but it was a welcome refreshment from the same, boring, idiotic droning that predominated the convention.

Barack Obama has been brainwashing his supporters with the same drivel, given them the same scripts, and they are all militantly marching to his drum. I'm not being paranoid when I compare this to the rise of Hitler. Do some SERIOUS research on how the man came to power. Both Barack and Adolf are incredible speech makers. Both deliver moving speeches... without actually saying anything. Both inspired masses to follow them blindly, expecting to cash in on empty promises of hope, prosperity, and wealth for all. Both were elevated to an almost god-like status.
Anthems were sung about Hitler.
Obama's speeches were put to music, and artists sung his praise.

Obama's threat to our nation isn't just conservative yammering, trying to score a victory for our side. We have no side in this race. McCain is a centrist, one who walks down the middle, but quite frankly, he is the better choice right now.

This isn't paranoia you're hearing. It is fear.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Biden? Why Biden?

Obama is falling in the polls. Even liberal newspapers are being forced to admit it. Why? Because people are finally getting sick of Obama talking about change, while never actually saying anything. More and more, the facts of what he really plans for this country are coming to light, and people don't like it.
Obama is the ultimate liberal. He believes everything liberals do. He endorses gay marriage. He's in favor of higher taxes. He wants to take away all privately owned guns and ammunition. He is so pro-abortion, that he want to kill babies after they're out of the womb. I'm serious. He believes that if a child is born before the abortion was fully engaged, or if the child somehow survived the abortion, they should be killed anyway.
Obama is also struggling with his image. Thanks to the internet, his "exploits," (ignoring the troops, making huge blunders in his statements, etc) have been brought into the light. Obama has all the appearances of a political genious, but that's all it is. Appearance.

So, with all of this dragging him down.... Why on earth does he pick Joe Biden as a VP!?! It makes no sense. The only advantage is that Biden isn't going to try and kill Barack for the presidency. (Like some speculate Hillary would.)

In spite of what all the news outlets say, Biden is NOTHING spectacular. Heck, he isn't even that interesting. He's just a typical, rank and file, liberal Democrat. What? Is Obama trying to make sure that his victory in Delaware is assured? That state is a deep shade of navy blue. Obama doesn't have to worry.
So... Obama has made an idiotic choice for VP. He choice will neither garner him more votes, or really boost his polls. So why did he do it?

If McCain was smart, he would pick a strong conservative like Romney, or Thompson, or someone he ran against as VP, to solidify his base with the Republicans. My only hope is that McCain doesn't make a huge blunder with HIS VP selection too.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Misjudged Facebook?

I have long spoken out against Facebook and MySpace, but a close friend and my mother have worked hard and persuaded me to create a Facebook account.

Now, in my desperation for readers for my blog, I posted a link on my profile, in the vain hope that anyone who stumbles across me and "friends" me, will take the time to read, and tell others.

Of course, this means I'll have to give up my much beloved anonymity, but sacrifices must be made. If you discover who I am, and do not enjoy receiving opinions from such a person, then... just suck it up and keep reading the blog ANYWAY, Jerk! I'm not forcing you to look at my facebook, but it's there.
I will also soon get some links on sites like "The Keystone Review," and MAYBE Maybe.

MySpace account? Don't count on it. Myspace is STILL different than Facebook. Facebook is a picture book to share with friends and family. MySpace is a crappy substitute for a webpage, where a horde of pothead just float around, making aimless comments on aimless pages. If you want to make a website that advertises yourself... for no apparent reason... then just resist the urge.

So, yes. Moral convictions prevent me from ever making a myspace account. Moral convictions? I don't like being among those who have too much time, and MySpace bandwidth on their hands, and use both to create a useless web page.

And by the way, you know all those "movie stars" myspace accounts you managed to get onto their friends list? Yeah, well, it's not the real star. It's some fat, balding producer with a bad comb over who is answering all your comments, trying to drive the actor's ratings up.

MySpace = Wasted Space.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Told you so

Well, about 4-5 days has passed since I made the prediction about what Russia would do.

Russia has fallen back, whimpering about how they were wronged, and thus, the UN has given them custody of South Ossetia.

But... even with their alleged goal achieved.. they haven't stopped. Why? I don't know. They bombed the capital of Georgia, don't ask me to spell it, this morning, and they've been bombarding the port as well. Russia appears to be shooting for the entire country, with South Ossetia as a fallback in case international pressure, by some slim chance, forces Russia to cease.

The Russians want to ground the little nation into the dust, pure and simple... and we are not doing a thing about it. Why? Because hyper-pacifist hippies have infiltrated our congress, and thanks to our anti-war media, everyone hates Bush and any kind of "war mongering" he engages in.

We need to help Georgia, even it puts us into a economic slump. Why? Because we made a promise, and now matter how unwise that promise may seem, we should keep it.