Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Superdelegate Fiasco

Oy. Hillary uses her kid to get a super from Puerto Rico, Obama sends a relative of one superdelegate to convince her to support ol' Barack, and the nation itself just gets more confused.

THIS is what happens when you have two, self-styled, minority candidates running AGAINST each other. It's sickening enough with one, who pulls every tear jerker out of the book against their non-minority opponent.
Now, it seems we have two candidates trying to see who can out.... "minoritize" the other one. It is sickening. Whatever happened to a country where everyone had equal rights, no matter who you were? Who decided that minorities deserve special treatment? If someone was abused or restricted in the past, the most we can do is apologize deeply, (happened) help them get back on their feet, (happened) and give them equal footing with everyone else. (also happened) It is not right to have one group obtain equality, just to turn around and start subjugating the other group with a "Now it's YOUR turn," attitude.
This race seems to be totally bypassing the majority of the public.
Obama and Hillary are running around, as fast as they can, pandering to all kinds of special interests groups. Contrary to popular opinion, big companies do not make up the majority of special interests groups, and these two are making sure they kiss up to every one of them.

Hillary changes her message every time the audience is different, and Obama never stops whining about racial issues, whether or not the issues were brought up by himself or not. (take the Pastor Wright fiasco for example)

It appears that all the high-minded, enlightened ideals, promises, and "righteous" goals that these two started their campaigns promising, have totally faded away. They have been replaced by petty bickering and fighting, each one trying to outdo the other with the minorities, and their arguments have become childish.

So, with crazy ol' McCain as the likely winner for the Republicans, it looks like we're screwed in Novemeber. *sigh*

Remember when we had those things called "options?" I miss those days

The Questions Al Gore Can't answer

These were originally posted by Roadhouse, who managed to find/compose a complete list. I have seen several of them seperately, but together, they can be a might force indeed.

Questions to ask your favorite environmentalists:

1. What caused the first and second ice ages to start?
2. What caused the ice ages to end?
3. Was man driving SUV's during those periods?
4. Why does the average temperature of other planets change at the same rate as Earth's?
5. Are there SUV's on Mars?
6. If Co2 is a pollutant, why does plant life require it to live?
7. Why does plant life thrive along the busiest highways where emissions are the most dense?
8. Why are animals incapable of walking around drilling rigs?
9. How can we predict the climate twenty years from now, but not next week?
10. Why are the following not factored into climate calculations? The sun, solar flares, sun spots, the Jet Stream, the Gulf Stream, the Earth's molten core, volcanoes, desert sand storms, and common sense.
11. How could we possibly know the global temperature, or rainfall averages prior to modern technology, when we can't accurately measure them today?
12. Who decided what the Earth's temperature is supposed to be?
13. How did they arrive at that particular number?

Use these the next time a nutjob tries to tell you how big your car can be and how much gas it can use.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


#1: This is to Roadhouse.
Hey man, it is nice to see that at least SOMEONE has seen my blog, and enjoys it.

#2: This is to Andy Singer.
Andy! I know you're having trouble with troubleshooting, but come on man, Hazard Shield needs its download friends back.

#3: This is to Hillary Clinton and Barrack Obama.
Go jump in a hole.

and stay there.

Obama ditches pastor

For the full story, read it here: Obama Story!
In short, Obama is saying he doesn't "share the views" of the man who "Officiated his wedding, baptized his two daughters, and has been his pastor for 20 years"

Excuse me? So is that his game? When a CRUCIAL piece of his life becomes inconvenient for him, he just distances himself from him and acts like he doesn't even know them? Is he planning on treating our nation that way? I AM not an Obama supporter, I am not a Clinton supporter, and i think McCain is nuts, but this raises some SERIOUS questions about Obama.

He's already shot his mouth off with at least one doozy, and it wound up losing him Pennsylvania, where I live. If people THINK about the ramifications of this, it is quite disturbing. If something, or someone, as the case is, does something to embarrass Obama, or harm his publicity, all of the sudden, he acts like he doesn't know them? So what, if Congress passes some law that other countries don't like or approve of, what is Obama going to do?
"I am afraid I do not share the same views as this body of men. I am trying to mend gaps, and they are tearing them down. I have known them for a long time, but the decisions they made were clearly not themselves."

You can't do that. If Obama treats our country the way he is treating his church, well, dang, we're screwed.
He claims that he knew his pastor for 20 years, and the man he "saw yesterday was not the same person [he] met 20 years ago." One problem. The footage was SEVERAL YEARS OLD! This is not new! Rev. Wright has been bashing "crackers" for YEARS now. He's even accused AIDS of being an engineered disease to "destroy people of color."

Excuse me? I am I the only one who is A) noticing inconsistencies in Obama's claims, and B) thinking the honorable Reverend is a little loony? AIDS kills ANYONE who gets it, black, white, red yellow, beige, purple, heliotrope, etc. AIDS is rather unbiased.

However, I AM willing to give Obama credit where credit is due. Unlike most liberals, he didn't sit there trying to justify himself and his pastor's actions, and he did accuse his pastor fairly accurately. To be honest, for Obama, it is a lose/lose situation. No matter what he would have done, he would have wound up with egg on his face. On the other hand, when considering a political career, you MUST remember that anything you have ever done, CAN and WILL be used against you.
Obama did not look ahead, and is now forced to try and dig himself out of a VERY deep and VERY muddy pit that he walked STRAIGHT into. Obama, old boy, you had best get started.

Hillary? Sheesh. Don't get me started. We could be here for days. That is for ANOTHER blog, ANOTHER time.

Holy Cow!

Dude, a random Google search brough to this: The biggest gun on God's green Earth! The following is a clipping from:

World's Largest Gun The largest gun ever built was the "Gustav Gun" built in Essen, Germany in 1941 by the firm of Friedrich Krupp A.G. Upholding a tradition of naming heavy cannon after family members, the Gustav Gun was named after the invalid head of the Krupp family - Gustav Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach. The strategic weapon of its day, the Gustav Gun was built at the direct order of Adolf Hitler for the express purpose of crushing Maginot Line forts protecting the French frontier. To accomplish this, Krupp designed a giant railway gun weighing 1344 tons with a bore diameter of 800 mm (31.5") and served by a 500 man crew commanded by a major-general.Two types of projectiles were fired using a 3000lb. charge of smokeless powder: a 10,584 lb. high explosive (HE) shell and a 16,540 lb. concrete-piercing projectile. Craters from the HE shells measured 30-ft. wide and 30-ft. deep while the concrete piercing projectile proved capable of penetrating 264-ft. of reinforced concrete before exploding! Maximum range was 23 miles with HE shells and 29 miles with concrete piercing projectiles. Muzzle velocity was approximately 2700 f.p.s.Three guns were ordered in 1939. Alfried Krupp personally hosted Hitler and Albert Speer (Minister of Armaments) at the Hugenwald Proving Ground during formal acceptance trials of the Gustav Gun in the spring of 1941. In keeping with company tradition, Krupp refrained from charging for the first gun - 7 million Deutsch Marks were charged for the second (named Dora after the chief engineer's wife).France fell in 1940 without the assistance of the Gustav Gun, so new targets were sought. Plans to use Gustav against the British fortress of Gibraltar were scrapped after General Franco refused permission to fire the gun from Spanish soil. Thus, April 1942 found the Gustav Gun emplaced outside the heavily fortified port city of Sebastopol in the Soviet Union. Under fire from Gustav and other heavy artillery, Forts Stalin, Lenin and Maxim Gorki crumbled and fell. One round from Gustav destroyed a Russion ammunition dump 100 feet below Severnaya Bay; a near miss capsized a large ship in the harbor. Gustav fired 300 rounds during the siege wearing out the original barrel in the process. Dora was set up west of Stalingrad in mid-August but hurriedly withdrawn in September to avoid capture. Gustav next appeared outside Warsaw, Poland, where it fired 30 rounds into Warsaw Ghetto during the 1944 uprising.Dora was blown up by German engineers in April 1945 near Oberlichtnau, Germany, to avoid capture by the Russian Army. The incomplete third gun was scrapped at the factory by the British Army when they captured Essen. Gustav was captured intact by the U.S. Army near Metzendorf, Germany, in June 1945. Shortly after, it was cut up for scrap thus ending the story of the Gustav Gun.Credits: Printed in the American Rifleman, February 1998. Page 26.

Let me tell ya people, this is where the term "BFG" came from. Doom players will get this fastest. BIG FREAKIN' GUN!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Funky Time

I swear, I have GOT to find the thing that sets the time on this site. I never post anywhere NEAR the times it lists at the bottom. Something is screwy is going on hear.
*suspicious glances this way and that*

Just Walk It Off

Some conservatives get REALLY ticked when liberals label us with nicknames and insult us, and seem to do it with apparent impunity. Other conservatives diligently document each case, and save it for ammo to use at a later date. (These are the smart ones) The last kind are little more like me. Someone goes around calling us a hard-hearted nutjob who can't spell our own name, and my first reaction is : "Hey! At least I now how to enjoy life!"
It's true. Liberal wieners have to be the most miserable people on planet earth. They don't believe in a God or an afterlife, so it's not like they have anything to look forward to, they spend all their time and effort trying to get reelected that they have little time in their lives for much else, most spend their free time driving around in big cars and jets, campaigning to save a planet THAT DOESN'T NEED SAVING, and they are totally consumed with hate for their conservative adversaries to the point of obsession.
Now it would be a lie to say that many conservatives don't hold similarly negative feelings about them, but with certain exceptions, we tend to be MUCH nicer about it. Seriously? Who started the whole "The Democrat Liberals are Kind and Loving" rumor? Come on man, that left with the 30s. Compare the behavior of liberals to conservatives in almost any situation and you will find that the conservative is almost ALWAYS more civil.

But you say: "Hey now! I've heard TONS of reports of you right-wing nut-jobs insulting people on TV! It's all over the news!"
Well, true. As with ANYTHING, it is not all perfect. But once again, the democrat/liberal track record is MUCH worse. The difference? The media is their friend, so they could make threats and remarks and slurs about anything that pops into their heads and the news doesn't cover it. If they do, it's glossed over. You will get some relatively non-partisan news outlets like Fox. It is often accused of being conservative, mainly because it gives equal time to both sides, and doesn't ignore liberal stupidity like many of the bigger networks do.

An interesting book to read is "Unhinged! Exposing Liberals gone WILD!" by Michelle Malkin.
She goes through and carefully examines, exposes, and cites a massive number of incidents in which liberals have screwed up, broken down, flipped out, and become, as the title insinuates, unhinged.

As for being called names, sometimes I find it easier to embrace it. Conservatives are viewed as war-mongering, over christianized, homophobic zealots. You know what? Sometimes we are. You know what else? It is us war-mongering conservatives who abolished slavery, toppled fascism, held off communism for 40 years.
On the other hand, we have trouble accepting caricatures of ourselves. Hey, I for one think they're funny. Some of the best I have seen is the stuff JibJab does. Go to YouTube and seach "This Land." Some questionable language, but in my opinion, it is a funny representation of how we view each other.

On short, conservatives need to learn to laugh at themselves. I'm not going to liberals need to, because they take themselves way too seriously to have a good time. Ah, I feel sorry for them actually. I really do.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

My quote.... for the time being

Listen up, all ye who crave and clamor to guru-type wisdom. This shall be my saying... for now.

"When life throws you lemons, you make lemonade, BUT! If life starts chucking rocks at you, it's wiser just to duck and cover until life moves on to the next guy."

There. That is my quote... for the time being. At least until I can come up with another one.
*takes off guru hat*

Gun Rights Forever!

In case you didn't know, Liberals, both Republican and Democrat are trying to take away our guns. They believe that they are the only ones smart enough and mature enough to decide who uses them.
Now, whether you like it or not, the American people love their weapons very much. Barack Obama's comments accusing Pennsylvania of being backwards for clinging to God and Guns, may have very well lost the race for him here.
Liberals, seeing the negative reaction, decided it would be better to do it slowly, quietly, and softly.
First, they give phony reasons why guns are dangerous:
1: GUNS KILL! (no duh. Thank you captain obvious.)
2: GUNS KILL KIDS! *Deep gasp!*
3: CRIMINALS USE GUNS!!!! (Captain Obvious, please go away.)
4: Homicidal PSYCHOS can get guns! O.o
(notice how they always bring up children? They are trying to pull at your heartstrings.)

Then, they question why we even NEED them.
1: Guns don't protect you from big brother, your vote does!
2:What? Hunt? Haven't you rednecks ever heard of grocery stores?
3:Hey! Why do you need a gun to protect yourself? Don't you trust the police?
4:Hey, maybe YOU'RE a criminal. Why else would you need those guns?
5: You are so behind the times. In our modern age of enlightenment, who needs guns?

Then, to show that they "care about our wellbeing," they begin to restrict guns. A little regulation here, a large tax over there, some extra paper work, anything that would discourage people from arming themselves.
A massive disinformation campaign was started, shouting the evil of firearms from every TV and newspaper.
But, curses! The foolish public STILL will not surrender their weapons. Wait! An revelation! Guns can't shoot if there are no bullets, can they? Stupid conservatives and rednecks will NEVER see this one coming. Enter the new string of laws they are trying to pass, practically banning every kind of ammo, all in the interests of the public safety, right?


We need to keep our guns. We need to keep our ammo. We need to have CONTROL over our lives again!
Now I am going to refute all the lies listed above.
1: GUNS KILL! Well, of course they do, DUH! That is what they are designed to do. However, they can be used to protect and defend, and are vital components in doing so.

2: GUNS KILL KIDS! This is part of the liberal disinformation campaign. Child-related gun accidents stem from parent irresponsibility. Parents, blindly complying with liberal pleas to shield their child from gun knowledge, hide it away, and don't talk about it. Kids, being curious, decide to go find it. If the parents have not locked it up, there is another problem. One thing leads to another, and the child gets hurt. BUT! If you teach your kid about guns at an early age, and monitor him carefully when he first handles one, you can teach them a healthy respect for its power and also how to use it safely. In order to build an immunity to something, you have to be exposed to it.

3:CRIMINALS USE GUNS! Ok. Thank for that news flash, liberal weenies. Got another flash for ya. Most of the time, criminals and gang members are already using illegal weaponry. The Pennsylvania Attorney General Tom Corbett said that the problems stem from ILLEGAL weaponry, not legal. Taxing and regulating the law-abiding citizen will not do ANYTHING to the criminal guns.

4: Homicidal PSYCHOS can get guns! Of course. We all can. However, do you want said psycho to have free reign over terrified, unarmed victims? The best way to discourage serial killers and murderous maniacs is to pop a cap in em. The rest of the buggers would think twice after seeing others of their homicidal profession getting blasted. So... more guns mean it would be safer?

5: LEAD POISONS EVERYTHING! THINK OF YOUR CHILDREN! It all goes back to what I said about training. ALWAYS WASH YOUR HANDS after you do anything with weapons. As for lead poisoning, got news. Lead is everywhere, from chinese-made child products to paint in old houses. Bullets should be the least of our worries.

6: GUNS CAUSE SCHOOL SHOOTINGS! No duh. It is difficult to go on a "shooting" with a baseball bat. However, these emo kids who are shooting up our schools all want attention. They have figured out that if they send a emo, suicidal, homicidal video to the news, then go to their school and kill some people and themselves, they'll get famous. First, we should NEVER show their videos on the news. It only encourages them. Second, you know why they go to schools? Because guns are banned from schools. Why? Because some maniac might try to shoot people. Well, that law worked out just fine. You never see depressed, homicidal fruitcakes trying to shoot up a police station, do you? Why? Because it messes up the psycho's plan to get killed or captured before he planned it. Hmm, maybe we should use these lessons in school.

Next, the questioning.
1:Guns don't protect you from big brother, your vote does! Well, once we have been disarmed, there is nothing to stop them from getting rid of the vote, is there? Then Big Brother moves in.

2:Hunting? Ever heard of grocery stores? Look, once we lose the ability to survive on our, Murphy's law dictate that that moment will be when we need it. Hunting allows us to fuel our independence, and plus, the meat doesn't taste too bad either.

3:Don't you trust the police? The police, despite good intentions, can't always get there in time. Besides, criminals are more hesitant to attack armed victims.

4: Hey! Maybe YOU'RE a criminal. Yeah. sure. I keep forgetting it's a sin to want to defend myself and loved ones.

5:Our modern age of enlightenment means no one needs guns. Enlightened eh? Hmm. Well, I guess those psychos the liberals are always using as excuses of danger must have just missed enlightenment school. I'm sorry, but this "new age" is bull crap. The same problems still exist, and taking away guns just make it worse.

One popular liberal tactic is to make you feel backwards, isolated, and mean. Anyone who wants to keep their gun is billed a "Redneck." Anyone who still believes in God is "Old Fashioned." Anyone who doesn't agree with them is obviously an enemy of the people, the world, the greater good, and even the environment.

Then, they decided "Well, if we can't get their guns away from them, we can take the bullets."
We almost didn't see it coming, but organizations including the NRA alerted the gun-bearing public about proposed bills restricting many kinds of ammo. Further investigation revealed it wouldn't stop there.
California is already attempting to outlaw lead bullets, and liberal plans include banning almost every kind of ammo on the market, leaving us with useless target rounds. Luckily, the outcry has been great, and hopefully none of the liberal anti-bullet agenda will come to pass, but still, my advise to you:
You might want to start hiding guns and hoarding bullets.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Iron Man movie is coming!

Yeah baby! May 2, 2008, my favorite superhero of all time will be debuting in his own movie. I'll post a revue after I see it, which, hopefully, will be opening night.
Check it out.

First Post

Hey come on. Everyone gets to have a first post. This is mine.

I am the Watchman. These are my words. Hence the title of my blog.
I tend to be very politically oriented, and I just got back from attending the Pennsylvania Leadership Conference.
The presence of Michelle Malkin inspired me to begin this blog and see what kind of craters I can leave on the good old internets.

Well, here goes nothing. My Blog begins