Monday, April 28, 2008

Just Walk It Off

Some conservatives get REALLY ticked when liberals label us with nicknames and insult us, and seem to do it with apparent impunity. Other conservatives diligently document each case, and save it for ammo to use at a later date. (These are the smart ones) The last kind are little more like me. Someone goes around calling us a hard-hearted nutjob who can't spell our own name, and my first reaction is : "Hey! At least I now how to enjoy life!"
It's true. Liberal wieners have to be the most miserable people on planet earth. They don't believe in a God or an afterlife, so it's not like they have anything to look forward to, they spend all their time and effort trying to get reelected that they have little time in their lives for much else, most spend their free time driving around in big cars and jets, campaigning to save a planet THAT DOESN'T NEED SAVING, and they are totally consumed with hate for their conservative adversaries to the point of obsession.
Now it would be a lie to say that many conservatives don't hold similarly negative feelings about them, but with certain exceptions, we tend to be MUCH nicer about it. Seriously? Who started the whole "The Democrat Liberals are Kind and Loving" rumor? Come on man, that left with the 30s. Compare the behavior of liberals to conservatives in almost any situation and you will find that the conservative is almost ALWAYS more civil.

But you say: "Hey now! I've heard TONS of reports of you right-wing nut-jobs insulting people on TV! It's all over the news!"
Well, true. As with ANYTHING, it is not all perfect. But once again, the democrat/liberal track record is MUCH worse. The difference? The media is their friend, so they could make threats and remarks and slurs about anything that pops into their heads and the news doesn't cover it. If they do, it's glossed over. You will get some relatively non-partisan news outlets like Fox. It is often accused of being conservative, mainly because it gives equal time to both sides, and doesn't ignore liberal stupidity like many of the bigger networks do.

An interesting book to read is "Unhinged! Exposing Liberals gone WILD!" by Michelle Malkin.
She goes through and carefully examines, exposes, and cites a massive number of incidents in which liberals have screwed up, broken down, flipped out, and become, as the title insinuates, unhinged.

As for being called names, sometimes I find it easier to embrace it. Conservatives are viewed as war-mongering, over christianized, homophobic zealots. You know what? Sometimes we are. You know what else? It is us war-mongering conservatives who abolished slavery, toppled fascism, held off communism for 40 years.
On the other hand, we have trouble accepting caricatures of ourselves. Hey, I for one think they're funny. Some of the best I have seen is the stuff JibJab does. Go to YouTube and seach "This Land." Some questionable language, but in my opinion, it is a funny representation of how we view each other.

On short, conservatives need to learn to laugh at themselves. I'm not going to liberals need to, because they take themselves way too seriously to have a good time. Ah, I feel sorry for them actually. I really do.

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