Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Superdelegate Fiasco

Oy. Hillary uses her kid to get a super from Puerto Rico, Obama sends a relative of one superdelegate to convince her to support ol' Barack, and the nation itself just gets more confused.

THIS is what happens when you have two, self-styled, minority candidates running AGAINST each other. It's sickening enough with one, who pulls every tear jerker out of the book against their non-minority opponent.
Now, it seems we have two candidates trying to see who can out.... "minoritize" the other one. It is sickening. Whatever happened to a country where everyone had equal rights, no matter who you were? Who decided that minorities deserve special treatment? If someone was abused or restricted in the past, the most we can do is apologize deeply, (happened) help them get back on their feet, (happened) and give them equal footing with everyone else. (also happened) It is not right to have one group obtain equality, just to turn around and start subjugating the other group with a "Now it's YOUR turn," attitude.
This race seems to be totally bypassing the majority of the public.
Obama and Hillary are running around, as fast as they can, pandering to all kinds of special interests groups. Contrary to popular opinion, big companies do not make up the majority of special interests groups, and these two are making sure they kiss up to every one of them.

Hillary changes her message every time the audience is different, and Obama never stops whining about racial issues, whether or not the issues were brought up by himself or not. (take the Pastor Wright fiasco for example)

It appears that all the high-minded, enlightened ideals, promises, and "righteous" goals that these two started their campaigns promising, have totally faded away. They have been replaced by petty bickering and fighting, each one trying to outdo the other with the minorities, and their arguments have become childish.

So, with crazy ol' McCain as the likely winner for the Republicans, it looks like we're screwed in Novemeber. *sigh*

Remember when we had those things called "options?" I miss those days

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