Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Obama plays catch up.

Since the unveiling of McCain's pick for his running mate, the Obama campaign has been ruthlessly attacking her like a pack of rabid wolves.
Why? Because Sarah Palin has the potential to become the most critical and influential VP in over 50 years. She's rammed the Obama boat, and the rocking is making some of its passengers seasick.

Barak has been comparing himself to Palin, trying to prove he is more experienced that she is.
This is MY question: Why is the Democrat "A" team, comparing itself to the Republican "B" team? Why would a star quarter back feel the need to go out of his way to try and prove that he is better than another team's second stringer?
Because, in this case, Obama knows that even the Republican VICE presidential canidate could beat him. Obama claims to have more responsibilities than Palin, and claims to handle more problems on a daily basis. Let's compare, shall we?

Obama's campaign has about 2500 paid employees in it, I believe.
Palin has about 71,000 people she has to supervise as a governor.

Obama's campaign rakes in several million dollars a month. (2.1 mil?)
Palin has to handle a money flow in the BILLIONS.

Obama is a senator. He is elected, goes to Washington, whines, and votes.
Palin is a governor. She has to handle the affairs of her state, and its success and welfare are her daily responsibilities.

Obama lives in the tiny state of Illinois. Yes, I'm going there, because he has frequently belittled the station of Palin, and her home state and town. If it weren't for Chicago, no one would care about Illinois at all.
Palin is the executive leader of the state of Alaska. Alaska is the largest state in the Union. It is more than twice the size of Texas. Granted, fewer people live there, but the amount of land and resources still makes it an incredible responsibilty.

Obama, as a Senator, does have to worry about international matters. Then why does Palin have almost the same number of overseas trips to our troops as Obama, and she is only a Governor. A governor's duties are to the state he/she is in charge of. Palin has risen above and beyond that basic requirement, and easily has as much, if not MORE experience that Obama in international matters. Come on. Her state borders Canada and Russia, and is not Physically connected to the 48 states. She has to work internationally on a regular basis, and lets be honest... being a neighbor of Russia can be a little difficult.

In short, yes, Obama has every right to be freaked. This woman, who in his own words, comes from a tiny backwater town, from an out of the way state, could outdo the "sophisticated" and "streetwise" Obama any day of the week.

And you know what? If they ever got into a fist fight, all my money would be on Palin. Dollars to donuts she could kick his keister within 10 minutes.

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