Sunday, November 9, 2008

Holes of Your Own Creation: The Bright Side to Obama's Win.

As we mourn the "death" of our nation upon the victory of Barack Obama, we need to stop crying and whining and look on the bright.... and believe, there IS a bright side, and it has the potential to be so bright that it will blind us.
For several years now, a Democrat controlled congress has been screwing the economy, passing laws and actions that have put us into the mess we are in now. Why didn't they get blamed? Because all they had to do was point the finger at Bush and say "He took the cookie from the cookie jar."
Well, right now, we are tumbling down a steep slope, one that the Democrats have so blindly, but painstakingly created, with a giant hole at the bottom. Laws forcing banks to give out bad mortgage loans to unworthy applicants created the housing crisis and the credit crunch. Over-regulation and taxation of corporations have pushed them out of the country and overseas, where they can work without being hassled, and that created the massive layoffs, and finally, with all the whining and griping about the "cute widdle animals" has prevented us from drilling in our own country, as we are deathly afraid of somehow damaging the environment... or that's what they tell you. The pipeline in Alaska practically CREATED the environment around it, and the ONLY reason we don't have oil rigs off the coast of Florida is because the retirement communities didn't want to have their ocean view spoiled.

The list of laws continue, from government grants to useless companies, bailouts, to trying to instate universal healthcare..... which has proven so ineffective that even the CANADIANS are trying to get rid of it.
Long story short..... we have stepped into a cow-pie so deep we could sink a skyscraper into it.

So... where's the bright side? Why.... Barack Obama, of course. This dashing young gentleman has come down from Chicago and offered to work with our Democrat Congress to solve all of our problems, save us from our ignorance, relieve our suffering, end all hunger and strife, and create jobs!

That is a pretty tall list. Even someone who actually had a plan or knew how to would be hard pressed to fulfill all of those promises. To make things worse... Obama's "plans" to solve all these problems are almost guaranteed to make them worse.
STILL don't see it? Look closer:
Conservatives have been wrongly accused of causing many problems that we had nothing to do with. The public has blindly accepted this and believes that conservatives are ignorant, evil, and greedy. To make matters worse, Christians have slid into a frightening apathy, of not caring what happens to our nation, and just accepting whatever is being spoon-fed to them.
Obama getting elected, and pressuring Christians and conservatives will hopefully jar them back into awareness. Second, with a Democrat President, Congress, and soon-to-be Court, they will be in total control... meaning that they will have no one to blame when they make things worse and can't fix them. They can only accuse Bush so long before people start shaking their heads in disbelief. They will single-handedly tarnish they cause for a long time... and all we have to do is sit back and work at a local level to build a conservative base to undermine them when the time comes.

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