Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Why Miley?

What is with our national obsession with celebrities, especially younger ones? Who cares? ALL I hear lately is whining about Miley Cyrus, AKA: Hannah Montana. I'm serious, this seems to be all the scandal people talk about any more.
I think it's mainly because we've gotten used to our over-used celebs in hollywood right now. They've done every scandalous thing in the book, slept with half the people in California, and entered rehab more times than anyone can count. Of course, they always appear on TV with a zoned out expression on their face, as they apologize "deeply" and swear to never do it again because they've seen the error of their ways. They usually show up on TV a few weeks later, apologizing the SAME way, for doing the SAME thing, AGAIN. And they interrupt the global news for this?
Miley, on the other hand, seems to have an "innocence" about her that scandal artists are obsessed with.
"No one can be so innocent and normal," they think, and they're probably right. It probably won't be long before we see Miley on TV apologizing for something stupid she did.

My opinion? WHO CARES?
Why did everyone freak out about her faked "pregnancy?" Why are they freaking over the "Vanity Fair" pictures? We've seen it all before, it's just a new person. So chill out, forget about it, and stop interrupting my news from Iraq or Wall Street to tell me about this stuff.

(Her show sucks, so why do people watch it?)

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Apple's Premature Celebration

As Microsoft is slowing sinking under its own weight, all of the closet Mac users are coming out of the woodwork and dancing in the streets. (Figuratively)
The two companies have been rivals since their creation, and ever since IBM gave the contract to Microsoft, Apple has been furious and spiteful at the software juggernaut. As a result of being the "underdog," Macintosh had an air of rebellion about it. As a result, it attracted... duh, the self-styled "rebels" of society.
I refer to them as "Mac-Hippies."
Well, first, somehow, Mac manages to convey that sense of rebellion while still being preachy about its sophistication and high standards.
Mac often accuses people of doing what they themselves do, and finally...

Because at least 80% of the people I have met who use Macintosh systems are hippies, hold-hippiesh type world views, or are just snobby.

Anyhoo, when Microsoft began to first began to show signs of sinking, the Mac-hippies began circling like vultures. Now, they are openly celebrating.
Microsoft has been growing for decades, but a company can only get so big before it starts to implode from its sheer size. Add to that their notorious inefficient tech-support, and recent accusations about monopolizing the corporate computer world, Microsoft is struggling.

The Mac-hippies are already building the funeral pyre for the software giant, and picking out which dance their going to do around the flames, but it's a little premature. The Mac-Hippies see it like this: When Microsoft goes down, Apple will pick up the mantle of the biggest software company. They will infest every business and forward their own agenda
However, I think Macintosh is overestimating itself.

First of all, since Apple insists on making its own computers, and not allowing other computer makers to make computers with the Mac system in them, Macintosh will ALWAYS be crazy expensive. The price difference between Macs and PCs is astounding. Microsoft has maintained its lead, just by keeping prices low. Mac has tried to compensate by offering more free programs included in their systems, but not everyone feels like paying several hundred more dollars for "terrific" media playing and editing programs. Macs are just too expensive.

Second, Mac is not nearly as creative as they want people to believe. The Mac-hippies NEVER cease whining about how windows ripped off their desktop design from them. However, all evidence says that was one of the last TRULY innovative things they did with their computers. A friend of mine has been doing a little digging on and after tracing several leads and interviewing people at work, has discovered that the self-righteous Apple has done quite a bit of ripping off too. Ever heard of Linux? It's a free operating system, and like the site name says, it's opensource. A popular variant is red hat, but their true marvel is "Unix" the only efficient network system out there. People started noticing similarities between Linux and Mac systems, and since Linux has never expressed any interest in trying to usurp any of the big companies, it had no motive to copy Mac. Then the poop hit the fan. It was discovered that Macintosh was literally copying entire strings of code into their new operating systems without even bothering to change ANYTHING. I don't care if it IS opensource, that's just cheap. My friend talked to one guy who typed in UNIX command codes into his iPhone, and it obeyed them.

Speaking of the iPhone, there's another mac scandal for ya. Recording everyone's calls? Arbitrarilly raising and lowering prices drastically, and lets not forget the fact that the aussies are claiming Apple is charging them through the nose over there.

And the final reason is this: codemonkeys. Not the show. There are thousands of nerds out there who create, edit and produce massive amounts of freeware, software, and shareware. They make up the core of the computer using populace, and a large buying block. Mac is decidedly unfriendly towards them. Overly secretive, difficult to use, and difficult to run make the codemonkeys prefer other systems, most notably, Windows and Linux.

Apple has way to many issues to be worrying about taking over for Microsoft, and from all things presented, it doesn't look like they're any better. So all you Mac lovers out there, stop dancing, because Microsoft hasn't died yet, and when it does, you won't automatically become the top dog.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

More Democrat Whining.

Alright, dems, your incessant belly-aching about Rush Limbaugh screwing your chances of winning is REALLY getting old. I mean, come on, you guys have been doing since, what, when he first aired?
What happened? Well, Here is an article describing the details, but long story short, Obama's aides are accusing Rush of keeping Obama's numbers higher than they could have been. So what? He still won.
Point is, our options are crappy. That's the only word that comes to mind. Rush isn't the only one on Obama's case. Glenn Beck has had some probing things to say as well. Just face it, Barack, you have too much baggage. So far, most people view you as being very anti-american, not matter how many "wrap yourself in the flag" speeches you give. Come one man. EVERYTHING about your past SCREAMS "Anti-American."
No matter how much you try and distance yourself from your pastor, your family, and your history, it's still there, and it is still dragging you down.

But, you can relax, ol' Barack. It's not like the Democrats have anywhere else to go. Seriously, you dems are screwed when it comes to choices this year.

So, who are you gonna vote for? The May-be Muslim who wants to "change" America, or the devil in a pantsuit?

Will the Pope Text You?

Well guys, the Pope is going digital. Pretty funky, huh?
Now, I'm not catholic, but I have to admit that it would be pretty sweet to get a text message from the Pope. All you Catholic young peoples out there, read this article and stand by with cell phones handy.

The Pope Goes Digital

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Iron Man: The Movie Review


On the surface, this movie gets top scoring for getting Tony Stark's personality and lifestyle correct.
More points for taking the back story from an accident with shrapnel in vietnam, to an accident with shrapnel in the middle east. It was a smooth transition, it worked well, and it made more sense. They were able to transition everything over to the terrorist setting quite well. (Right down to the power hungry warlord.)
Special Effect= FREAKING AWESOME! Well done flying, fighting, and jumping. The suits were spectacular.
This movie was amazing partly due to the fact that they were able to take quite a bit of creative license, as was done with spider man, and STILL adhere to all the tiny little things that only diehard, freakfans would notice. (like me.)
ie: Rhodes, Stark's military consultant and erstwhile bodyguard, checks out an unpainted (grey) Iron Man suit. Can anyone say "War Machine?"
ie: Pepper Pot's freckles.
ie: His revealing of his identity. This only happened in the comic books like three years ago, so don't feel bad.

Now, to dig into it.

Even as you watch the movie, you can FEEL the pull the directors are having. They are trying to remain true to the comics, but their pacifist, anti-corporate, anti-army beliefs have been LASER-etched into their brains, so they can barely fight it. As a result, all throughout the movie, Tony struggles with making weapons (after seeing what they do) and he his having trouble coming to terms with his company. At first, it appears to dampen the affect of the film.

However, the directors managed to find an outlet for their anti-corporate rage in Obadiah, the vice-chair of Stark Enterprises. He is everything hollywood thinks a business man should be. He is a two-timing, double-dealing, back-stabbing, greedy, power-hungry, twisted old man. They were even trying to show the evil through subtle animation hints. ie: When the air chase begins, Tony's suit emits almost nothing, while Obadiah's gives off a huge, thick cloud of black smoke.

Now, before you assume that the evil Hollywood has made Tony a pacifist, you have to pay close attention. He stops making weapons, until he can find out who is selling him out. He doesn't want weapons to fall into the wrong hands and make matters worse. He realizes that his life prior to the accident was pointless, and his dying cellmate gives a reason to live again: To protect those who cannot protect themselves. In fact, he kills several terrorists in the process of freeing hostages. (If getting slammed into a brick wall wont kill ya, getting shot by retracting, shoulder-mounted miniture guns will.)

All in all, a spectacular movie. I liked it, but then again, i AM slightly biased.


Thursday, May 1, 2008

A interesting explanation of cats.

I saw this, and thought is twas funny. Watch and laugh.

Interesting, no?

Rumble in Lebenon?

Lebanon County, my stomping grounds (Stomps ground) is in an uproar. Apparently some power has shifted from the liberal establishment over to a veritable host of new people.
This is mostly being done through the county commitee, although Tom A. Hawk (his real name) was elected to state commitee.

After the amazing landslide win by Mike Folmer for the position of state senate two years ago, a chink was found in the establishment's armor.
Rumors are flying everywhere that the resident king-maker, ground-shaker, but certainly not quaker, Michael Long is behind the "Old Guard," as Tom A. Hawk refers to them as. However, suspicions abound that because of their disintigrating base, Long is even losing some hardline former backers.

Is he losing control? Don't know for sure, but it certainly looks that way to me. If so, then it is a time to rejoice.
*puts on party hat*