Thursday, May 8, 2008

More Democrat Whining.

Alright, dems, your incessant belly-aching about Rush Limbaugh screwing your chances of winning is REALLY getting old. I mean, come on, you guys have been doing since, what, when he first aired?
What happened? Well, Here is an article describing the details, but long story short, Obama's aides are accusing Rush of keeping Obama's numbers higher than they could have been. So what? He still won.
Point is, our options are crappy. That's the only word that comes to mind. Rush isn't the only one on Obama's case. Glenn Beck has had some probing things to say as well. Just face it, Barack, you have too much baggage. So far, most people view you as being very anti-american, not matter how many "wrap yourself in the flag" speeches you give. Come one man. EVERYTHING about your past SCREAMS "Anti-American."
No matter how much you try and distance yourself from your pastor, your family, and your history, it's still there, and it is still dragging you down.

But, you can relax, ol' Barack. It's not like the Democrats have anywhere else to go. Seriously, you dems are screwed when it comes to choices this year.

So, who are you gonna vote for? The May-be Muslim who wants to "change" America, or the devil in a pantsuit?

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