Saturday, May 17, 2008

Apple's Premature Celebration

As Microsoft is slowing sinking under its own weight, all of the closet Mac users are coming out of the woodwork and dancing in the streets. (Figuratively)
The two companies have been rivals since their creation, and ever since IBM gave the contract to Microsoft, Apple has been furious and spiteful at the software juggernaut. As a result of being the "underdog," Macintosh had an air of rebellion about it. As a result, it attracted... duh, the self-styled "rebels" of society.
I refer to them as "Mac-Hippies."
Well, first, somehow, Mac manages to convey that sense of rebellion while still being preachy about its sophistication and high standards.
Mac often accuses people of doing what they themselves do, and finally...

Because at least 80% of the people I have met who use Macintosh systems are hippies, hold-hippiesh type world views, or are just snobby.

Anyhoo, when Microsoft began to first began to show signs of sinking, the Mac-hippies began circling like vultures. Now, they are openly celebrating.
Microsoft has been growing for decades, but a company can only get so big before it starts to implode from its sheer size. Add to that their notorious inefficient tech-support, and recent accusations about monopolizing the corporate computer world, Microsoft is struggling.

The Mac-hippies are already building the funeral pyre for the software giant, and picking out which dance their going to do around the flames, but it's a little premature. The Mac-Hippies see it like this: When Microsoft goes down, Apple will pick up the mantle of the biggest software company. They will infest every business and forward their own agenda
However, I think Macintosh is overestimating itself.

First of all, since Apple insists on making its own computers, and not allowing other computer makers to make computers with the Mac system in them, Macintosh will ALWAYS be crazy expensive. The price difference between Macs and PCs is astounding. Microsoft has maintained its lead, just by keeping prices low. Mac has tried to compensate by offering more free programs included in their systems, but not everyone feels like paying several hundred more dollars for "terrific" media playing and editing programs. Macs are just too expensive.

Second, Mac is not nearly as creative as they want people to believe. The Mac-hippies NEVER cease whining about how windows ripped off their desktop design from them. However, all evidence says that was one of the last TRULY innovative things they did with their computers. A friend of mine has been doing a little digging on and after tracing several leads and interviewing people at work, has discovered that the self-righteous Apple has done quite a bit of ripping off too. Ever heard of Linux? It's a free operating system, and like the site name says, it's opensource. A popular variant is red hat, but their true marvel is "Unix" the only efficient network system out there. People started noticing similarities between Linux and Mac systems, and since Linux has never expressed any interest in trying to usurp any of the big companies, it had no motive to copy Mac. Then the poop hit the fan. It was discovered that Macintosh was literally copying entire strings of code into their new operating systems without even bothering to change ANYTHING. I don't care if it IS opensource, that's just cheap. My friend talked to one guy who typed in UNIX command codes into his iPhone, and it obeyed them.

Speaking of the iPhone, there's another mac scandal for ya. Recording everyone's calls? Arbitrarilly raising and lowering prices drastically, and lets not forget the fact that the aussies are claiming Apple is charging them through the nose over there.

And the final reason is this: codemonkeys. Not the show. There are thousands of nerds out there who create, edit and produce massive amounts of freeware, software, and shareware. They make up the core of the computer using populace, and a large buying block. Mac is decidedly unfriendly towards them. Overly secretive, difficult to use, and difficult to run make the codemonkeys prefer other systems, most notably, Windows and Linux.

Apple has way to many issues to be worrying about taking over for Microsoft, and from all things presented, it doesn't look like they're any better. So all you Mac lovers out there, stop dancing, because Microsoft hasn't died yet, and when it does, you won't automatically become the top dog.

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