Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Washinton Go Nuts over Oil

Well, looks like some yammerhead actually decided to use that mushy stuff inside their skulls. Still not sure if it's brains or not, but their using something.
What happened is this. Basically, paying 4-5 bucks a gallon has finally gotten those idiots in Washington to ignore the greenie-weenies and actually drill for oil in our own nation.

That's right ladies and not-so-gentlemen. Oil DOES come from other parts of the world besides the middle east. Actually, the United States is INCREDIBLY oil rich, with wells criss-crossing the continent. From Pennsylvania, to Arkensas, to Oklahoma, to Texas, to Montan, to Alaska.

Some of you are probably leaning forward going "Holy-freakin-cow! If we have all that oil, what do they want our firstborn in exchange for gas?"
Reason: Enviromentalists. The Scum of the Earth.

These tree huggers claim that Oil is bad for the enviroment, and destroys animal life. They accuse the oil pipes of blocking migration patterns, and then contaminating everything if they blow a leak.
#1: Oil pipes in cold areas actually create heat, promote plants to grow, and animals to congregate around them for warmth. Yessir, giving animals a warm place to be when it is freezing is going to destroy all life on earth.
(Most of the other ones are in the desert, and there's not much to damage there in the first place.)
#2: Oil pipes are 3-6 feet off the ground. How is that blocking ANYTHING'S migration pattern? My friends, deer can get under, over, and through just about everything we put up, and their larger cousins should have no trouble at all with a pipe that's been raised off the ground.
#3: Most of those oil pipe leaks/explosions happened when some envirmental terrorist decided to SHOOT IT WITH A RIFLE. Gee... maybe that could cause those things.

As a final kicker, the ocean shelf off the coast of Florida is one of the richest in oil that we have. Are we allowed to drill for it? Nope. Why? Partly because the greenie weenies are afraid of hurting fish, but the REAL reason is even more idiotic. Because the old people in the retirement communities don't want Oil Rigs spoiling their ocean view. Tell me that isn't dumb.

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