Monday, June 9, 2008

Obama gets the Nod

Ol' Obama wins, Hillary loses. What does this mean for the rest of us?

In short.... we're screwed.
Of the two Democrats fiercely duking it out for the nomination, Hillary was the more conservative of the two. (Yes, I KNOW that sounds weird, but it's true.)
Why did Obama get a free ride from the press? Because any kind of negative comments could be billed as racism. Obama claims to be running to try and break those barriers, but instead, Obama just proves how alive racism is. If there was no racism in our country, we would not be afraid to criticize Obama, because his skin color wouldn't matter. However, when negative comments are given the title of "prejudice," then it just proves my point. Obama has used his minority status to try and get the American people to vote for him out of guilt.
Well, we thought our country was entering a "new age" of enlightenment and acceptance, and if we don't elect Obama, then obviously our nation is not truely open-mined or educated.
(I'm being sarcastic.)
Obama is getting a free ticket in and I don't know why.
For the record, I am not racist, but the sheer fact that I have to explain that I am not shows how deep the liberal brain-washing tendrils have gone. If Condi ran, I would vote for her. If Alan Keyes ran again, I would vote for him, but Obama is too much of a wacko liberal racist for me to even tolerate.

McCain? The guy is a closet Dem and everyone knows it. He is less liberal than Obama, but... it isn't much of a lead. He'll do whatever pleases whoever's around him. He has no backbone, and supports the tracking chip. (The one that is implanted in your arm,) Who know what other crazed ideas he has, BESIDES amnesty for illegals. His stance on important issues changes constantly, and overall, he would be a poor leader.

The final analysis?
We have ONE canidate trying to coast to victory on the fact that he is a minority, and to show our lack of prejudice, we should vote for him.
We have ANOTHER candidate tryong to coast to victory on his record in the military. (Which, considered he was SHOT DOWN and CAPTURED, isn't all that great.)

The press gave them both free passes, and for us conservatives, it appears we're screwed.

(Personally, I think I'll be pulling for Bob Barr now.)

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