Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Muslim Disinformation Campaign.

Ladies and Gentlemen, put your hands together for...
Why? Because they have discovered the internet.

Ladies and Gentlemen, now you may proceed to cry and weep with terror.
Because the already out of control Muslim disinformation campaign has found a new, open field ripe for the taking.
I should probably stop acting like this is so recent. It isn't. Muslim crazies have been lurking on the net, and couple of years ago, they exploded all over the cyber-landscape.
We had Islamic activists popping up like rabbits.

Now, they have as much right to the internet as anyone... but they also have an elaborate disinformation campaign. Muslims, when history does not suit them, will rewrite it. This is all too common among most people, changing the facts of a displeasing past, but it is especially prevalent among Muslims.

The global distrust and dislike of Islam was compounded and augmented by the 9/11 attacks, and Muslims have found themselves portrayed in an uncomfortably accurate light, and have felt the need to improve their image.
So what do they do?
They lie.

Suddenly, over a thousand years of killing, pillaging, raiding, stealing, and destroying is magically transformed into a "long history of peaceful, artistic development and harmless coexistence with their neighbors."
Before you assume anything, SOME of that is true. Wealthy Muslims were very involved in medicines, poetry, art, and trade. However, a serial killer can be a miracle brain surgeon by day, but by night he can be forcibly extracting brains from living victims and preserving them in his basement.

If Muslims were so peaceful, then why did they blaze across North Africa, eradicating Christian towns and villages? The typical Muslim conversion method involved telling a person to convert or die. If they converted, they had to pick up their sword and ride with the Muslims to attack the next village.
We have Islamic advocates infesting YouTube claiming that this is all lies, and that Islam means submission to God through peace.
They claim the qu'ran demands sincere commitment, and therefore, forcing someone to convert under pain of death would be silly.

In that case, there are a lot of silly Muslims out there, and a lot of insincere ones as well. Whether the Qu'ran commands it or not, Muslims will FORCE people to become Islamic.

Why hasn't it happened here? Because Muslims aren't a majority. Once they are, I think that liberals, their biggest supporters, will be in for a rude surprise.

Second and most glaring of the Muslim disinformation campaign is their blatant denial of the slaughter of anyone they don't like.
They didn't like Armenians, (Christians in Turkey,) so they slaughtered them all. The Armenian Holocaust is STILL being denied by the Turkish government, in spite of overwhelming evidence that it happened. The only place you'll find deniers of this are State employed Turkish professors.
They ALSO deny that the JEWISH holocaust, one of the largest, most horrific exterminations of a people group to date, didn't happen.

Muslim denial of concrete evidence should tell you something about their reliability.

However, we, as Christians, have been slow to pick up on the YouTube craze, which is being flooded with brain-washed teenage and college liberals, Atheists, and Islamic nutjobs. We have always been kings of the pen, but when it comes to multi-media and websites like YouTube, we are being forced to play catch up.

Although the Muslims and Liberals actually believe vastly different things, they have a few things in common.
#1:They both hate Christians and Jews.

#2: If they didn't like it, then they deny it ever happened.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Swearing Idiots

Do people ever actually think about what their saying when they use profanity? Seriously.

For example:
Why have I heard atheists saying "God D@%# it!"
I thought they didn't believe in God.

Also, why do people always say "Bad @$$" to describe how tough they are?
What does the condition of your butt have to do with your fighting prowess?

Think about it.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy Birthday, America!

Ladies and Gentlemen, it is now the 4th of July..... I don't see you partying....

Stop reading this, get up, start a barbecue with your friends, set off some fireworks, and congratulate each other on living in the greatest country in the world.

What? You say I'm being arrogant and ignorant? Well you liberal weenies can kiss my big butt... as it goes outside with the matches toward the grill.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Are YOUR kids from the Devil?

Your children are evil.

They will make you miserable.

Until they're gone, your life will be a living hell.

Kill them now, before it's too late.

Beware the Children!!!!!

No, I am not insane. I am just paraphrasing a recent Newsweek article that has been featured on MSN, and therefore popped up on my email homepage. The article accusing children of destroying all happiness in everyone's life is right here.
Yes, I am dead serious. The latest liberal fad is that children are evil AND useless. A so-called study says that parents with children are 7% less LIKELY to report being happy than someone without the "little monsters."
University people like Robin Simon, Daniel Gilbert, and Arthur C. Brooks are all claiming that "certain studies" (whose results are not given) indicate that parents with kids are PROBABLY less happy that those without.
Gilbert "concludes" that marital satisfaction has its highs when kids aren't around.
I don't know about you, but when you read the article, a lot of "maybe" words seem to jump out at me. Maybe words are those words that people use when the data is not confirmed, or they are not totally sure of themselves. And these three college bigwigs are using a lot of maybe, likely, highly possible, probably, etc.
Why are they so unsure of themselves?
Well, here's why:
In the SAME article, a poll by Newsweek brought back to thunderous results saying that 50% of Americans say more kids means more happy, while only 16% say that kids make them miserable.

Don't know what you think, but those are pretty defined results. 50 to 16? I would conclude, based on the simple FACTS, that having more children brings happiness. Seriously, how can you argue against such overwhelming evidence in a poll, that was conducted by a magazine, which was ALREADY biased toward the "more children=more misery" viewpoint?

So what do the writers do? In a VERY unsportsmanlike fashion, they accuse the people they polled, of lying! What!?! Your poll doesn't produce the results you wanted, therefore the POLL is mistaken? How does that work?
If these sociologists were taking science or chemistry, they would flunk out so fast they would think they fell into a time warp.

The Scientific Method says that you form a hypothesis, then conduct your experiment with ONE variable. If the experiment is conducted, and can be repeated, and does not support your hypothesis, then YOU are wrong, NOT the experiment.

What IS it with liberal academia? If they had controlled ALL scientific development, society would still believe that lead could be turned into gold. (Medieval Alchemy.)

If the DATA says that parenting brings more joy that sadness, then I don't care HOW many bitter college professors say otherwise. The result ALWAYS trumps the hypothesis.

Now, let us presume for a minute, that parenting DOES make us unhappy. In this case, I am inclined to give a thumbs up to the writer. Although her views on the happiness/kid quotient is skewed, she does get someone else DEAD ON.

Maybe, just MAYBE, we, as a people, are TOO concerned with being happy. There is a difference between happiness and joy. Happiness is brought on by sheer, pure, short-lived pleasure. Happiness is shallow, and like it or not, meaningless. Joy on the other hand, runs much deeper, and is much more difficult to describe. Joy is more permanent.
Besides, who said that happiness is the meaning of life. If you will take note, EVERYONE who focuses their life on making themselves "happy" usually winds up dead at an early age. Too much booz, drugs, women, and cars. Incessantly trying to give yourself pleasure without meaning will probably kill you. To be honest, humans don't crave happiness, they crave love, respect, and fulfillment. Children have been described by parents, young and old, as their greatest accomplishment in life.

Why are people attacking kids and their existence? Who knows. This article is... difficult to understand. One minute, it is treating children like the spawn of Satan, but in the last paragraph, resembling a last ditch attempt to redeem themselves, is a painfully out of place lecture on the unimportance of happiness and how the author loves her kids.

...So you "love" your boy, but you're saying you're unhappy because he exists? No? Then what ARE you saying?
The author should have put MUCH more planning into this article, and should have sat down, and REALLY considered her standing on the subject, and her motives for writing it.

As always, the problem is brought on by giving WAY too much attention to bitter, useless, dusty college professors who have claimed to hate everything about our world.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Beware the Wolf in Sheep's Clothing.

Obama, in his usualy strategem, noticing that McCain is weak with Christian conservatives, has begun spilling out promises to evangelicals.
What has he promised to do? Well the article is here, but I'll sum it up for you.
Obama is promising to divert government funds to Christian charities, and allow evangelical groups to hire or fire based on what their faith says.

A person's first reaction is: "Wow! Really? That'd be great!"
However, their second reaction (if they have a brain, that is) is: "Wait a second... Obama? Anti-religon, pro-homosexual marriage Obama? What does he REALLY want?"

The article then describes Obama's given reasons. He wants to give money to Christian charities so they can pitch in with the anti-poverty campaigns and the fight against HIV/AIDS. Yep, that's right.
You know, 100 years ago, churches DID handle poverty in their neighborhoods. Then the government came along and federalized everything, essentially booting the church out of the picture with a pleasent little "You're not good enough, move over."
Now, Obama is wanting to dump things back onto Christian shoulders... why? Obama does NOT have a beneficial reason for this.
(Now, this is all presuming that Obama is not just blowing smoke, trying to mess up McCain, which is ALSO very possible.)

Reasons? They are difficult to notice at first.
Although one might at first assume it's because that government is overstretched, and running out of money. But that doesn't work. Obama is planning on funding the charities, in ADDITION to presently established government groups. That would just make the problem worse.

Here is my opinion... Control. Obama wants control. If you sink a large amount of money into something, you have the right to control your investment. If Christian charities start taking money from Obama's government, then the government will be allowed to establish their own treasurers, administrators, auditors, etc. Obama would cripple and conquer the Christian charities in one fell motion, and hardly anyone would see it coming, either.
He would even be able to redirect their very purpose and being. Instead of being independant groups with set beliefs and guidlines, they become government stooges, whose "missions" and "goals" are now dictated by a decidedly UN-Christian government.

Things would get messed up beyond all belief. We'd be allowed to hire/fire based on belief? Essentially, Obama is IMPLYING that christian groups would not be forced to hire gay/transsexual people under the obligation of the no discrimination laws. Once again, be careful. Obama, as usual, walk STRAIGHT down the middle of the road, never really saying anything, so, as usual, his statement is vague and pliable. What does hire/fire based on faith mean? Nothing, because no specifics were given.
(And if the charities are controlled by the government, then it won't matter, because they could be forced to support causes they don't believe in.)

Now, Christians have always given help without conditions. New Orleans, the center for homosexuals, liberals, and atheists was hit by a hurricane, and Salvation Army was right there, probably doing more good that ANY government organization. Along side of the Salvation Army was NUMEROUS groups from churches all over the nation, coming down to help rebuild.

However, helping someone get back on their feet, and supporting what they support, are two VERY different things.
However, with looming government control, they could soon become the same.

Many Christian charities will never see this coming. The funds strapped ministries will only see the prospect of getting more money to do the Lord's work.
But, in the Bible, in Matthew 10:16 it says: "I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves."

Too many Christians forget that we must be SHREWD. That was something that we have discarding, and we are going to suffer for it. If someone offers you money, always find out why. Nothing is free. Nothing.
If Obama gets elected, and makes good on his promises, then Christian charities are going to blindly accept the cash, without looking for the cost.

Be shrewd, because while you're one hand is accepting the money, the other is selling you soul.