Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Beware the Wolf in Sheep's Clothing.

Obama, in his usualy strategem, noticing that McCain is weak with Christian conservatives, has begun spilling out promises to evangelicals.
What has he promised to do? Well the article is here, but I'll sum it up for you.
Obama is promising to divert government funds to Christian charities, and allow evangelical groups to hire or fire based on what their faith says.

A person's first reaction is: "Wow! Really? That'd be great!"
However, their second reaction (if they have a brain, that is) is: "Wait a second... Obama? Anti-religon, pro-homosexual marriage Obama? What does he REALLY want?"

The article then describes Obama's given reasons. He wants to give money to Christian charities so they can pitch in with the anti-poverty campaigns and the fight against HIV/AIDS. Yep, that's right.
You know, 100 years ago, churches DID handle poverty in their neighborhoods. Then the government came along and federalized everything, essentially booting the church out of the picture with a pleasent little "You're not good enough, move over."
Now, Obama is wanting to dump things back onto Christian shoulders... why? Obama does NOT have a beneficial reason for this.
(Now, this is all presuming that Obama is not just blowing smoke, trying to mess up McCain, which is ALSO very possible.)

Reasons? They are difficult to notice at first.
Although one might at first assume it's because that government is overstretched, and running out of money. But that doesn't work. Obama is planning on funding the charities, in ADDITION to presently established government groups. That would just make the problem worse.

Here is my opinion... Control. Obama wants control. If you sink a large amount of money into something, you have the right to control your investment. If Christian charities start taking money from Obama's government, then the government will be allowed to establish their own treasurers, administrators, auditors, etc. Obama would cripple and conquer the Christian charities in one fell motion, and hardly anyone would see it coming, either.
He would even be able to redirect their very purpose and being. Instead of being independant groups with set beliefs and guidlines, they become government stooges, whose "missions" and "goals" are now dictated by a decidedly UN-Christian government.

Things would get messed up beyond all belief. We'd be allowed to hire/fire based on belief? Essentially, Obama is IMPLYING that christian groups would not be forced to hire gay/transsexual people under the obligation of the no discrimination laws. Once again, be careful. Obama, as usual, walk STRAIGHT down the middle of the road, never really saying anything, so, as usual, his statement is vague and pliable. What does hire/fire based on faith mean? Nothing, because no specifics were given.
(And if the charities are controlled by the government, then it won't matter, because they could be forced to support causes they don't believe in.)

Now, Christians have always given help without conditions. New Orleans, the center for homosexuals, liberals, and atheists was hit by a hurricane, and Salvation Army was right there, probably doing more good that ANY government organization. Along side of the Salvation Army was NUMEROUS groups from churches all over the nation, coming down to help rebuild.

However, helping someone get back on their feet, and supporting what they support, are two VERY different things.
However, with looming government control, they could soon become the same.

Many Christian charities will never see this coming. The funds strapped ministries will only see the prospect of getting more money to do the Lord's work.
But, in the Bible, in Matthew 10:16 it says: "I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves."

Too many Christians forget that we must be SHREWD. That was something that we have discarding, and we are going to suffer for it. If someone offers you money, always find out why. Nothing is free. Nothing.
If Obama gets elected, and makes good on his promises, then Christian charities are going to blindly accept the cash, without looking for the cost.

Be shrewd, because while you're one hand is accepting the money, the other is selling you soul.

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