Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Are YOUR kids from the Devil?

Your children are evil.

They will make you miserable.

Until they're gone, your life will be a living hell.

Kill them now, before it's too late.

Beware the Children!!!!!

No, I am not insane. I am just paraphrasing a recent Newsweek article that has been featured on MSN, and therefore popped up on my email homepage. The article accusing children of destroying all happiness in everyone's life is right here.
Yes, I am dead serious. The latest liberal fad is that children are evil AND useless. A so-called study says that parents with children are 7% less LIKELY to report being happy than someone without the "little monsters."
University people like Robin Simon, Daniel Gilbert, and Arthur C. Brooks are all claiming that "certain studies" (whose results are not given) indicate that parents with kids are PROBABLY less happy that those without.
Gilbert "concludes" that marital satisfaction has its highs when kids aren't around.
I don't know about you, but when you read the article, a lot of "maybe" words seem to jump out at me. Maybe words are those words that people use when the data is not confirmed, or they are not totally sure of themselves. And these three college bigwigs are using a lot of maybe, likely, highly possible, probably, etc.
Why are they so unsure of themselves?
Well, here's why:
In the SAME article, a poll by Newsweek brought back to thunderous results saying that 50% of Americans say more kids means more happy, while only 16% say that kids make them miserable.

Don't know what you think, but those are pretty defined results. 50 to 16? I would conclude, based on the simple FACTS, that having more children brings happiness. Seriously, how can you argue against such overwhelming evidence in a poll, that was conducted by a magazine, which was ALREADY biased toward the "more children=more misery" viewpoint?

So what do the writers do? In a VERY unsportsmanlike fashion, they accuse the people they polled, of lying! What!?! Your poll doesn't produce the results you wanted, therefore the POLL is mistaken? How does that work?
If these sociologists were taking science or chemistry, they would flunk out so fast they would think they fell into a time warp.

The Scientific Method says that you form a hypothesis, then conduct your experiment with ONE variable. If the experiment is conducted, and can be repeated, and does not support your hypothesis, then YOU are wrong, NOT the experiment.

What IS it with liberal academia? If they had controlled ALL scientific development, society would still believe that lead could be turned into gold. (Medieval Alchemy.)

If the DATA says that parenting brings more joy that sadness, then I don't care HOW many bitter college professors say otherwise. The result ALWAYS trumps the hypothesis.

Now, let us presume for a minute, that parenting DOES make us unhappy. In this case, I am inclined to give a thumbs up to the writer. Although her views on the happiness/kid quotient is skewed, she does get someone else DEAD ON.

Maybe, just MAYBE, we, as a people, are TOO concerned with being happy. There is a difference between happiness and joy. Happiness is brought on by sheer, pure, short-lived pleasure. Happiness is shallow, and like it or not, meaningless. Joy on the other hand, runs much deeper, and is much more difficult to describe. Joy is more permanent.
Besides, who said that happiness is the meaning of life. If you will take note, EVERYONE who focuses their life on making themselves "happy" usually winds up dead at an early age. Too much booz, drugs, women, and cars. Incessantly trying to give yourself pleasure without meaning will probably kill you. To be honest, humans don't crave happiness, they crave love, respect, and fulfillment. Children have been described by parents, young and old, as their greatest accomplishment in life.

Why are people attacking kids and their existence? Who knows. This article is... difficult to understand. One minute, it is treating children like the spawn of Satan, but in the last paragraph, resembling a last ditch attempt to redeem themselves, is a painfully out of place lecture on the unimportance of happiness and how the author loves her kids.

...So you "love" your boy, but you're saying you're unhappy because he exists? No? Then what ARE you saying?
The author should have put MUCH more planning into this article, and should have sat down, and REALLY considered her standing on the subject, and her motives for writing it.

As always, the problem is brought on by giving WAY too much attention to bitter, useless, dusty college professors who have claimed to hate everything about our world.

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