Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Muslim Disinformation Campaign.

Ladies and Gentlemen, put your hands together for...
Why? Because they have discovered the internet.

Ladies and Gentlemen, now you may proceed to cry and weep with terror.
Because the already out of control Muslim disinformation campaign has found a new, open field ripe for the taking.
I should probably stop acting like this is so recent. It isn't. Muslim crazies have been lurking on the net, and couple of years ago, they exploded all over the cyber-landscape.
We had Islamic activists popping up like rabbits.

Now, they have as much right to the internet as anyone... but they also have an elaborate disinformation campaign. Muslims, when history does not suit them, will rewrite it. This is all too common among most people, changing the facts of a displeasing past, but it is especially prevalent among Muslims.

The global distrust and dislike of Islam was compounded and augmented by the 9/11 attacks, and Muslims have found themselves portrayed in an uncomfortably accurate light, and have felt the need to improve their image.
So what do they do?
They lie.

Suddenly, over a thousand years of killing, pillaging, raiding, stealing, and destroying is magically transformed into a "long history of peaceful, artistic development and harmless coexistence with their neighbors."
Before you assume anything, SOME of that is true. Wealthy Muslims were very involved in medicines, poetry, art, and trade. However, a serial killer can be a miracle brain surgeon by day, but by night he can be forcibly extracting brains from living victims and preserving them in his basement.

If Muslims were so peaceful, then why did they blaze across North Africa, eradicating Christian towns and villages? The typical Muslim conversion method involved telling a person to convert or die. If they converted, they had to pick up their sword and ride with the Muslims to attack the next village.
We have Islamic advocates infesting YouTube claiming that this is all lies, and that Islam means submission to God through peace.
They claim the qu'ran demands sincere commitment, and therefore, forcing someone to convert under pain of death would be silly.

In that case, there are a lot of silly Muslims out there, and a lot of insincere ones as well. Whether the Qu'ran commands it or not, Muslims will FORCE people to become Islamic.

Why hasn't it happened here? Because Muslims aren't a majority. Once they are, I think that liberals, their biggest supporters, will be in for a rude surprise.

Second and most glaring of the Muslim disinformation campaign is their blatant denial of the slaughter of anyone they don't like.
They didn't like Armenians, (Christians in Turkey,) so they slaughtered them all. The Armenian Holocaust is STILL being denied by the Turkish government, in spite of overwhelming evidence that it happened. The only place you'll find deniers of this are State employed Turkish professors.
They ALSO deny that the JEWISH holocaust, one of the largest, most horrific exterminations of a people group to date, didn't happen.

Muslim denial of concrete evidence should tell you something about their reliability.

However, we, as Christians, have been slow to pick up on the YouTube craze, which is being flooded with brain-washed teenage and college liberals, Atheists, and Islamic nutjobs. We have always been kings of the pen, but when it comes to multi-media and websites like YouTube, we are being forced to play catch up.

Although the Muslims and Liberals actually believe vastly different things, they have a few things in common.
#1:They both hate Christians and Jews.

#2: If they didn't like it, then they deny it ever happened.

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