Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Wait.... What?

Watch this video, and about two thirds of the way through, cover any younger kids ears, as there is one swear word.

wait for it.....

wait for it.....

Ok, there. My brain just imploded. Why? Lets see. Who was that on screen? Paris Hilton. What is Paris Hilton known for? Stupid stunts and an out of control life style. What did she just say?

Probably the smartest thing ANYONE has said about energy in the past two years. Paris said that? Really?
Dang, my brain imploded again.

McCain, Obama, you just got owned.
Explain to me why the blond poster girl has been able to out think you both. Seriously guys, it's sad. you're running for president, SHE is planning a vacation, yet she still seems smarter that both of you put together.

You know what? Personally, I'm in favor of off-shore drilling, continental drilling, and drilling just about everywhere where we have oil. However, I'm not against new energy technology, as long as it performs well, which the current energy tech does not. Correction. SOME of it does, but the few that CAN perform as well as a combustion engine, are CRAZY expensive, so just making everyone drive electric poop shooters is NOT a good plan, and the odds are pretty good we'll be driving gas for a while, so we might as well get used to it.

Now, I'm not sure if I approve of environmental regulations, but even WITH that in there, it is STILL one of the smartest things I've heard.
I do back McCain's drilling plan, but lets face it. The Greenie Weenies will never let it get by.
Also, if her smart moment is as smart as it sounds, then by tax incentives, she means tax cuts for plants making hybrids.
(rule#1 of energy production. If cost of energy is too high, then don't tax it, because that makes it higher. Democrats failed that course.... over and over and over again.)

Final verdict? Considering our options.... letting Paris paint the White House pink, may not be such a bad idea. And hey, she can never top JFK and Bill Clinton in terms of scandal, and after 8 years of Bush, she can make all the grammar errors she wants.

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