Friday, August 8, 2008

Conservative Bad! Liberal Good!

If I were to ask you, presuming you were the common layman, or a Democrat, and ask you which was the kinder, more compassionate of the two, the most common typical answer would be:

(average person, not involved in politics)"Why a Democrat or Liberal of course. They may not always be the smartest, but they tend to try and have our best interests at heart. They're just nice people who sometimes make a few mistakes."

(Democrat) "Unlike our counterparts, the Democrat party keeps the best interests of the people at, and we are always trying to to what's right. It can be hard work, fighting uphill against a lot of the hateful bigots who oppose us, but history shows that kindness and compassion always win the day!"

Both wrong.
Ever since the rise of the unions, the Democrat party has established themselves as "The Champions of the Underdog!" The western culture that so many liberals want to obliterate is what compels us to cheer for the underdog.
The Democrat party is a party of salesmen.
"It's not the product that matters, it's how you sell it." (Who said that? Did anyone say that? If not, then consider it a quote by me!)
Their product SUCKS. Everything they support is wrong, twisted, and borders on traitorous to our nation. BUT, they know how to sell it. Trying to pass a law no one likes? Say it's for the good of the children. P-ZAM! Instantly, half the elderly vote is behind you, and if you're lucky, you'll get the backing of the almighty AARP.
If you want to pass a heavy tax burden, just stand on the back of a truck in a minority community, and make a lot of gibberish up about how "the white man has raped their wealth," and if they support the tax measure, those freakishly pale, warmongering, hate-filled racists will suffer, but the minority will get a break.

Minorities and Special interests groups should be FURIOUS about how the Democrat party has lead them around on a leash. They sic them on their enemies as will. Not the enemies of the minority group, but the enemies of the liberal agenda.
Many of their "attack orders" will come from white men from the rich class, which they hate so much, and they blindly follow them. When confronted will this fact, the usual explanation basically says that they follow the orders because the guys giving them have their best interests in mind. What? No they don't!
Democrats were pushing to KEEP slaves, remember? And if you say that the party has since undergone an incredible metamorphosis, and they have SINCE become loving and kind and forgiving, then why can they never forgive mistakes that Republicans make, especially when the party itself has a LONG track record for major successes, even if Liberals refuse to acknowledge them.
Guess who screwed the economy? FDR, who was a democrat. Guess who created social security, the abused, misused fiasco that is a growing blight on our society? FDR, "D" for Democrat, not Deleno. He could arguable be called the founding father for welfare. Jimmy Carter, a Democrat, gave away the Panama canal, separating America from one of our greatest economic achievements. Heck, Teddy Roosevelt would probably be doing 360s in his grave right now, especially that China is buying up much of the control down there. I believe it was also Carter who oversaw the oil crisis. Can't pin it on him for certain, but that never stopped Dems from blaming Republican presidents for everything under the sun.

Ok, so the Democrats have a spotty track record, but suppose you look at the motives! Come on Mr. Watchman! They had good intentions at heart. They just wanted the best for the people!

Ok, let's presume for a minute that this is true. Isn't there a saying that says the "Road to Hell is paved with good intentions?" Or another one that says "The end doesn't justify the means?" In the Democrat case, the end doesn't justify ANYTHING. The end just makes a bigger mess, but in accordance with Liberal commandment #2: When something goes wrong, no matter how much evidence there is, it is NEVER your fault. Deny DENY DENY!!!!!!!!!! (#1 is: Bush is Hitler, Cheney is Satan.)

But Democrats rarely have peoples best interests in mind. I.E. They are ALWAYS waving kids around, using them like magic bullets.
"Higher taxes will help send children to school."
"Airbags keep our kids safe."
"We should melt our guns into jungle gyms... for the safety of children."
And yet, this is the SAME party that supports abortion, (the killing of children.) They are campaigning to let child molesters, rapers, and murderers escape the death penalty, and even prison. (These abominations have raped and KILLED young children, and the party that supposedly loves kids want to let these monsters walk free.)

I cannot speak for you, but to me, it sounds like they have some conflicting interests. Lets face it, if you examine their record, Democrats love money, they love power, and they love creating laws everyone must obey except them. If they have to lie and please a few people on their way to the top, that's fine by them.
Their untouchable, because they have no morals, or scruples, or ANY kind of code they have to live up to, therefore, they can't mess up, because according to them, there IS nothing to mess up. Republicans have standards, and it's easy to point and laugh when we stumble, or fall, but we have them, and we try to live up to them.

At this point, I usually get blustery comments about how I'm just bitter, and making things up, and it's a fact that all Republicans and so-called Christians are just so full of hate and bigotry that it is consuming us from within. We spew lies, condone ignorance, and purposely stymie progress because it does not fit our views. We are idiotic, Limbaugh-brainwashed freaks with no purpose but to sow hatred and destroy all life as we know it.

That's a pretty tall order to live up to. However, I, for one, am TIRED of playing Mr. Nice Guy. I am TIRED of incessantly and futilely trying to convince liberal idiots that I am not evil. It is an impossible task, one that they keep baiting us to do, and as a result, more and more conservatives keep rolling over to prove that they are not the devil. Democrats cannot be convinced, and as conservatives, we should not even CARE what they think.

With rare exceptions like Ann Coulter, conservatives tend to be stubborn, but genial. Often they can part ways, agreeing to disagree. I will be the FIRST to admit that we have used such names like "idiot," and adjectives like "traitorous," and "arrogant," both those are real words of description. With rare exceptions, we do NOT resort to name calling.
You want to see hatred?
You want to see such acidic loathing that it could make you cringe?

If you're a liberal, look at a mirror. I am serious. Ann Coulter may be a firebrand, and may not always know what she's talking about, but she is NOTHING compared the sheer loathing and despise that liberals generate.
You want examples?
Go to YouTube, and look up Ann Coulter, or Michelle Malkin. Click on any number of videos and scroll down to the comments. Race and gender slurs about. Words like (used in example, and not condoned by me) Bitch, cunt, slut, $2 whore, idiotic, neanderthal, fucktard, gook(what does that even mean?) frequent accusations accusing above listed women as actually being men in disguise.
Now look up names like Rush Limbaugh. Entire videos and sound bytes are devoted to flaming him, mocking him, slandering him. Glenn Beck, same thing.
Don't even bother looking up Bush or Cheney.
A prime example of liberal hatred is alleged comedian, Margaret Cho. ONLY look up her videos or routines if you have a strong stomach. Her entire routines, especially "Assassin," are just and endless flow of livid anger directed at Christians, family groups, Republicans, and anything associated with the Bush administration.

On second thought... look up her routines. Witness it. To use liberal terminology, she is "so consumed by hatred that it is eating away at her, and it shows on her face. I have NEVER seen someone, even a liberal Democrat, EVEN HOWARD DEAN, produce this much hatred, and flame so many people." She is the picture of the trenchant liberal. Bitter, angry, unhappy, miserable, and totally furious at the world. I always thought people were joking when they said that when a person stores up hatred, it eats away and shows on their face..... but it shows on Margaret Cho.

And you the REALLY sad part?
.... she isn't even a good comedian. The moral? If your jokes aren't funny, and you hate the world, then cater to people who hate it as much as you do.

Maybe the hypothetical democrat in the beginning was right. Kindness and Compassion, accompanied by INTELLIGENCE, historically win the day. But it is not the Democrats fighting the uphill battle, it's us. The conservative underdog.

Don't cave in. Stand up and fight the good fight!

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