Saturday, August 23, 2008

Biden? Why Biden?

Obama is falling in the polls. Even liberal newspapers are being forced to admit it. Why? Because people are finally getting sick of Obama talking about change, while never actually saying anything. More and more, the facts of what he really plans for this country are coming to light, and people don't like it.
Obama is the ultimate liberal. He believes everything liberals do. He endorses gay marriage. He's in favor of higher taxes. He wants to take away all privately owned guns and ammunition. He is so pro-abortion, that he want to kill babies after they're out of the womb. I'm serious. He believes that if a child is born before the abortion was fully engaged, or if the child somehow survived the abortion, they should be killed anyway.
Obama is also struggling with his image. Thanks to the internet, his "exploits," (ignoring the troops, making huge blunders in his statements, etc) have been brought into the light. Obama has all the appearances of a political genious, but that's all it is. Appearance.

So, with all of this dragging him down.... Why on earth does he pick Joe Biden as a VP!?! It makes no sense. The only advantage is that Biden isn't going to try and kill Barack for the presidency. (Like some speculate Hillary would.)

In spite of what all the news outlets say, Biden is NOTHING spectacular. Heck, he isn't even that interesting. He's just a typical, rank and file, liberal Democrat. What? Is Obama trying to make sure that his victory in Delaware is assured? That state is a deep shade of navy blue. Obama doesn't have to worry.
So... Obama has made an idiotic choice for VP. He choice will neither garner him more votes, or really boost his polls. So why did he do it?

If McCain was smart, he would pick a strong conservative like Romney, or Thompson, or someone he ran against as VP, to solidify his base with the Republicans. My only hope is that McCain doesn't make a huge blunder with HIS VP selection too.

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