Thursday, August 14, 2008

World War Three?

I'm sure you have all heard about Russia's invasion of Georgia, China's prejudice anthem fiasco, and their staged fireworks.
In my opinion, we should be sending military backup into Georgia under false pretenses. Granted, Bush has done that by sending troops essentially as a military escort for an over-sized meals on wheels. Although this is good idea, it essentially ties our hands in terms of aggresive defense of Georgia.
We SHOULD be sending in troops for the exact same claim Russia made: "To stabilize the region."

But we can't. Why? Because after disrupting Georgia's pipeline system, and trying to spear head their way to what could become their first warm water port, Russia has an economic strangle-hold on Europe, the major players in the U.N. Even if we could economically survive it, I don't know if we have the Military capability. Why? Because our army is spread across the globe. In spite of viewing us with a spitting hatred, the UN, Europe, and other smaller countries demand that we be the police of the world. We still have troops and bases in the Philippines from World War Two! We have bases and stations in Bosnia, Germany, Korea, and we still even have active military bases in VIETNAM! This isn't mentioning that the bulk of our army is in the middle east right now, playing umpire to a group of ungrateful Arabs. We are spread too thin. We are NOT the world's police force. We should get in, do what we have to do quickly, then get out and home.
Liberals insist that all our wars now have to be civilized. Got news for yah, friggin retards! WAR IS NOT CIVILIZED! Instead of dragging our feet, tiptoeing around, trying to be civilized, we should be fast, firm, and final in our military action. If we had invaded Japan in WWII, every Japanese man, woman, and child had been trained to fight us, and their head filled with stories about Americans eating prisoners, propogand to prevent them from surrendering. If we had landed, we would have had to fight our way up the entire island, with astronomical loss of life on BOTH sides. Normandy and Iwa Jima would have looked like a Kiwanis picnic by comparison. One, swift, terrifying act, the Atomic Bomb, forced Japan into surrendering without the incredible loss of life.

However, I fear we may be on the verge of World War Three. For the few of you who know me personally may also know that I have been insisting that we ARE in WWIII, Islam Vs. The World. I was wrong. We are not engaged in a world war.... yet. We are dangling on the very brink, and wiggling out toes. It is not a question of "if," but a question of "when."

Don't believe me? The circumstances speak for themselves. Lets take a look, shall we?

First, America is in the same position as we were in the late 30s. Our economy is falling. Our military then was small and outdated. Today our military is tired, and spread to thin for its own good. Hyper-pacifism was in fashion back then as much as it is today. History books don't teach it, because we tried the whole "Placate and they'll go away" tactic on Hitler. It didn't work, and Liberals don't like people knowing that. Today, the U.S. is going out of its way to placate and please our enemies.
The Olympics are being held in an arguable aggrisive and hostile Communist country. Before World War Two, the Olympics were held in Nazi Germany, and the Germans, like the Chinese, used it as a spectacle to prove their might.
WWII began with Hitler's invading the seemingly small, insignificant country of Poland. Russia just invaded the country of Georgia, who seems insignificant, but actually channels all the Asian out into Europe. Germay claimed Poland has fired on German troops. Russia claims Georgians fired upon people who wanted to secede to Russia. Hitler was lying, who says Putin is telling the truth?
To go back even farther, World War One was started because of massive networks of treaties dragging larger countries into a smaller country's war, and WWI started with the assasination of a leader in a small nation in Eastern Europe. I doubt Russia wants Georgia's president alive and free.
The circumstances are frighteningly the same. Logic gives us more reasons:
Russia has two choices: 1) make a lighting dash and sieze the capitol, 2) Fall back to what they claim as theirs, get UN approval to keep it, and use the fuel line that runs through it to force Georgia, then Europe to concede to Russian demands at a later date. Options 1 and 2 essentially lead to the same end result, they just take different amounts of time.
They DO have a third option. Pull out completely, apologize, admit they were wrong, and make all attempt to help Georgia rebuild.
Ok, nevermind. Russia doesn't have a third option.

Ok, a nasty spat between Russia and the U.S. is not World War Three, is that what you're thinking? Wrong. It could quickly evovle into much more than a nasty spat. Do not forget that Russia was once a former superpower, and it obviously want to be one again. China has used the 2008 Olympics to declare that IT is a superpower now, and the United States, struggling with crazy arabs in the middle east, our economy tanking thanks to eco-freaks ungrounded fear of gasoline, and liberals corrupting the very bricks of our society, is reeling. The other nations have begun circling like vultures, seeing a chance at dethroning the most powerful nation in the world.

Remember that having the Olympics in their country does not mean the Chinese are not paying attention to the rest of the world. They are watching the events unfold in Georgia like hawks. Why? Because China has longed to do the same thing to Taiwan for years, and has only been deterred by the fact that Taiwan is an ally of the United States. If Russia pulls through in Georgia, then China is bound to pounce on Taiwan shortly after the Olympics are over. China is overpopulated, and their number of men outnumber their women. In other words, they have more single men than they know what to do with. The perfect ingredients for an army.

If this continues on a large scale, and Obama becomes president, he will do nothing, and Russia and China will carve up Asia between them, and Russia, being able to control Europe's energy after taking control of the pipelines in Georgia, will be able to force them to carry out their every whim. If this happens, and we are lucky, the nations of China and Russia will go to war, and destroy each other. If we are not lucky, they may come after us, and if we are being led by Obama, we might as well start learning either Russian, or Chinese.

Call me an alarmist.
But if it happens, don't say I didn't tell you so.

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